Interested in supporting BackpackEMR, but can’t write a big check? Cloudburst has come up with a way to do just that!

Cloudburst is a team of software developers who focus on startups. They have created a Shared Success Agreement as a way for development teams (or any other investors) to offer services or funding without taking equity in the company, but rather sharing the future profits. This is a great win-win agreement!

In their effort to finding better ways to support entrepreneurs, Cloudburst created a swag store for startups like us. This keeps costs down, where we do not need to purchase large stocks of different swag, but also allows anyone to purchase swag with our logo – with 50% of the sale coming to us! No work on our side – just sharing in the profits of the sale.

Here is the link to check out our “swag store”!

We have started out with T-Shirts, but if you have ideas for other swag items that you’d consider purchasing with a BackpackEMR logo on it, definitely let us know! We should be able to add other items as we go!

Thank you for your continued support for Minnesota startups, Cloudburst!!