Boston, MA – HumTech was our first look at the amazing technology being implemented by humanitarians today. This is a passionate industry of people, and it made us excited dive in and never look back.

We had the opportunity to display our prototype with the other exhibitors, where we received very encouraging feedback on the need to move forward with a portable EMR.

This was also where my views were solidified by 2 individuals – Gisli Olafsson, CTO @ Beringer France and author of The Crisis Leader, and Dr. Christopher Robert, founder of SurveyCTO.

Olafsson’s keynote talked about the need to get away from the current cycle of applying for grants, fulfilling the grants, running out of funding, and applying for more grants when it comes to innovation in this space. He urged us all to take a note from the corporate world, and find a way to self-fund.

Robert showed me that a for-profit company can have the heart of a non-profit, and produce vital technology to humanitarians, but still bring in enough $ to pay the bills.

For more on our take-aways from HumTech, visit our partner Digi’s blog.